Aftercare for all!
Let’s talk about aftercare. You’ve probably heard of after-care in relation to tattoos or certain medical procedures - but how does it relate to sexual wellness?
Aftercare refers to the act of supporting and checking in with your partner after a sexual encounter - or - it could be a self-care routine after solo play. There are often a host of emotions and physical responses to sex and aftercare is an essential part of taking care of both your body and creating a safe space to experience pleasure.
The Kink community excels in aftercare and the importance of communicating and establishing aftercare needs often before a sexual encounter occurs. As you can imagine, there are times when aftercare includes tending to physical needs (cleaning up, treating any scrapes or scratches) but equally important is the emotional component. Think about your own needs - what helps you regulate your nervous system and relax?
A cup of herbal tea?
A cuddle or intimate touch?
Some time alone, perhaps reading or going for a walk?
Maybe, you want a nice shared meal? Or, a debrief that includes some loving words of reassurance.
A bubble bath (ahem, we have an amazing soak by Sliquid)?
Journaling? Playing a game of crib…? It could be anything that regulates your nervous system and makes you feel grounded.
Regardless of what you need, the important thing is communication. Incorporate aftercare into your sexual routine and discuss it beforehand. Make it sexy, and plan for it.
We’re obviously big advocates for open communication - especially when it comes to sexual health. I know it can feel uncomfortable at first if you’re not used to talking openly about your needs and wants.
Let’s normalize aftercare as an essential part of our sex lives.